Should you face unexpected emergency when outdoors, you must be mentally and physically prepared. There are different emergencies you may encounter such as floor, survival or fire. With this, it is essential to be equipped with appropriate emergency gear.
Emergency gears include food, water, first-aid, warmth and shelter. During difficult situations you have little to none to rely on. Bringing along proper and sufficient supplies may make or break your survival.
What is an emergency gear?
Emergency gear includes supplies, communication systems, lighting kits, shelter and navigation. These are basic necessities which can help you in survival or emergency situations. There are a number of emergency gear custom kits available in the market that you can readily perchance.
Keeping your body healthy during an emergency is pertinent to survival. You must store a lot of food which shall nourish you. Moreover, you should keep yourself hydrated to maintain a healthy body. With this, it is recommended to bring along water filtration tools and systems. These are suitable for outdoor activities such as hiking and camping.
Some other equipment that must compose your emergency gear are power packs and generators. You need power sources both for outdoor and indoor use. These are utilized in charging your mobile phone or power up your radio for information.
We recommend you browse through your local and online marketplaces to find an emergency gear. There are pre-made kits which are available for outdoor adventure enthusiasts like you.
Buying Guide for Emergency Supplies
It is essential to invest on high quality equipment and tools. These shall be helpful as it can last for a long time, giving you value for your money. Here are some of the things you must know when filling up your emergency supplies bag.
- Use or need – You must remember that you are planning for a potential emergency. We recommend you purchase emergency supplies that can address the needs for first-aid, food, communication, light and rescue.
- Storage space – The next thing to consider is the amount of storage you may allocate for it. It should not compose a lot of things. It is not a vacation for the family where you can bring a luggage full of essentials. You can use the duration of your trip as a gauge of how much can you bring.
- Shelf life – When packing for supplies, you must be informed of its shelf life. You do not want your supplies to spoil during the trip, right? You must remember that products that have longer shelf lives are preferred.
- Accessories – You must also take into account the accessories you might need to use the supplies. For example, if you are bringing along canned food, you must not forget a can opener. On the other hand, if you have plans of grilling, you must bring fuel or charcoal to make it work.
In general, you must plan ahead the supplies you need in case of emergency. These are essential in keeping you and the other camp goers safe during the trip.
Things to Avoid When Purchasing Supplies
Experienced outdoor enthusiasts utilize precaution when purchasing emergency supplies. Nevertheless, there are still mishaps that may happen especially when purchasing them online. Here are some tips to help you avoid issues as you prepare.
No bulk purchasing
There might be discounts and price drops should you buy in multiples. Nevertheless, it can be costly over time and present disadvantages.
For example, food supplies require proper storage. Some may even need airtight seals to keep them fresh and away from pests. For this reason, stay away from purchasing supplies in huge quantities.
Useful items only
Making a shopping spree can be excessive. One rule of thumb is to not buy if it is not usable. Most people make the mistake of buying food that their family will not eat.
When purchasing food for an outdoor activity, you must not try out new options. This is for the reason that it might turn into waste should people not prefer to eat it.
Skipping water storage
Water is an important component of every outdoor activity. You must remain hydrated throughout the trip to function well. Moreover, it keeps your body healthy and provides power to keep you going. Aside from this, it can also be used in cleaning bruises or wounds you may acquire.
When planning for an emergency, you must have reliable supplies to bring along. With this, you must take precautions when gathering them. Make sure that no issue shall be encountered especially when buying your supplies online.
Emergency Supplies Storage
Once you have gathered all emergency supplies you need, you can now store them in your home properly. It is essential to keep it in good condition while you are not yet participating on outdoor activities.
You need not to have a huge storage space for your emergency supplies. In order to efficiently store them in your home, here are some tips you may consider.
Get stackable items
There are manufacturers which produce products that have stackable packaging. Not only will it aid in better storage, it also looks neater if supplies are properly arranged.
Purchase multi-purpose or versatile items
It is essential to get supplies that can serve multiple purposes. Versatile items offer several benefits. You only need to bring one product that can do the tasks of multiple items. Moreover, it saves space.
Long shelf life
You may find a number of options for food which can last for a long period of time. Ready-to-eat meals are great to stock up as it can last for a number of years. Aside from this, most of them only take up little space in your storage area.
When storing emergency supplies, you must keep them in a nice, well-lit area with appropriate temperature. Some supplies, especially food, may turn in bad shape if they are not stored properly.
Over-all, we recommend getting supplies that do not take too much space in your home. This ensures that it will also not bulk up your outdoor trip bag.